Login to RCOM

IJACK RCOM™ is free of charge and allows you to:

  1. Remote-control your pumps instantly
  2. Quickly check unit status, and check the on-site alarm log remotely
  3. View charts for both real-time and long-term historical data
  4. Inspect surface and/or compression cards to analyze the stroke
  5. Manage your company's RCOM users and their alerts and remote-control permissions
  6. Setup smart alerts to be informed when something needs your attention

Real Time Data

Request second-by-second live data from the unit.


First select the "Charts" tab, then the "Real Time" tab.

Two minutes of real-time data will automatically be requested from the unit.

Note: it might take a few seconds for the data to be returned and charted.

To request real-time data for up to 60 minutes, type a number from 1-60 into the input box, and click the "Submit" button.

IJACK RCOM charts - real time data

Remote Control

Wherever you are, you're in control.

Start, stop, and lock your units remotely.

Optimize your IJACKs with speed and pressure setpoints

IJACK RCOM remote control


Quickly check the status of a unit, including any active alert states.

Green is good!

IJACK RCOM unit indicators

Long Term Trends

View historical data.

IJACK RCOM historical charts Deleted original image: rcom-charts-normal.PNG


Surface cards for UNO pumpjacks, and compression cards for EGAS/XFER.

Identify potential issues before they become problems, and maximize production.

Surface Cards for UNOs

IJACK RCOM surface cards for AI diagnostics and preventative maintenance

Compression Cards for EGAS/XFERs

IJACK RCOM compression cards for AI diagnostics and preventative maintenance

Alarm Log

Check the alarm log remotely, as though you were on-site.

IJACK RCOM alarm log from the display screen on site

User Management

Control who in your company can access RCOM, and who can remote-control which IJACKs.

RCOM - manage users in your company

Smart Alerts

Create alerts so you know right away if there's a problem like a power outage.

Receive alerts up to three different ways:

  1. Email
  2. SMS text message
  3. Phone call

Choose which alerts matter most to you:

  • Unit not stroking
  • Power or internet failure
  • Smart change detection algorithm for increased suction pressure
  • Artificial intelligence for detecting issues using surface or compression cards
IJACK RCOM - create smart alert so you know when something happens with your pump

Submit a Service Request

Need IJACK service at this unit? Want to request preventative maintenance? Submit your request through IJACK RCOM.

Submit a service request
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